Prayer | Plan | Imagine | Design | Improve
At Miracle Academy, we believe that an effective education doesn’t just come from memorizing or lecturing. Active participation in the learning process entails analyzing, discussing, and collaborating - in order to comprehend and retain. All of our courses are designed to encourage deep mental processing and student engagement with the class material.
Miracle Academy will provide students from grades K-10 with a suitable academically demanding, integrated education that uses the design process of: pray, imagine, plan, design, and improve. To accomplish this innovative vision, Miracle Academy will use a customizable curriculum, according to the standards and guidelines of Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE).
Curriculum and instruction will be organized around the National and State Standards, and will be articulated to students through clear expectations as student learning targets. Students will engage in a blend of classroom-based and community-based learning projects, under teacher supervision, to nurture the development of self-directed learning and collaborative learning with adults and peers. Students will work in small, flexible cooperative learning groups with tight follow-through for respect and responsibility, teamwork and contribution, and commitment to high-quality work. Students are entrusted with deep cognitive challenges and important responsibilities which prepare them to be leaders and develop critical thinking, problem solving, and other 21st century skills. Educators will work to intentionally build a school culture where students feel safe, respected, and challenged to be their best selves.
At Miracle Academy, all students will have equitable access to the curriculum. The school will implement a full inclusion model and all students will be part of the regular classroom, unless their diverse learner needs defines a different learning accommodation for them, and will be delivered using a performance-based, continuous growth approach that is grounded in the premise that all students are capable of achieving excellence in learning, and that high-quality instructional planning to accommodate all students is integral to improving learning. Through instructional differentiation within the classroom, the “Response to Intervention” process, acknowledgement of former IEP instructional accommodations and curricular modifications, teachers will be able to address the unique needs of specific students while ensuring the content that students learn is derived from a set of curriculum documents that articulate the common expectations for all students. Miracle Academy, with its unique approach to learning, will allow students with diverse needs and abilities to reach their full potential. The approach for serving students with identified special needs or those who are deemed at-risk will be collaborative.